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RARE P4 TOFINO Hardware Compatibility ListΒΆ

RARE ONIE image can be installated on multiple TOFINO based P4 switch models. The following section describes RARE installation on Wedge 100BF-32X. However, keep in mind that the image is compatible with multiple TOFINO based hardware models.

These hardwares are:

Hardware Vendor
Wedge 100BF-32X EdgeCore
Wedge 100BF-32QS EdgeCore
Wedge 100BF-65X EdgeCore
Wedge 100BF-32QS EdgeCore
AS9516-32D EdgeCore
BF2556X-1T Stordis
BF6064X-T Stordis
Aurora 710 Netberg
D7064Q (partial) Inventec
X312P-48Y-T AsterFusion